Your hardware is obsolete, we'd be happy to take it. Scrap metal and printed circuit boards can be recycled easily.
The recycling of computer waste, computers, printed circuit boards and electronic waste requires a great deal of manual work.
Proper disassembly, disconnection of plugs, power supplies and components and sorting are the first steps that we undertake.
We have set up our own working area in which to quickly process computer and electronic waste according to environmentally-friendly procedures.
Short distances and special tools help us to get things done quickly. The proper, environmentally-friendly treatment of electronic waste is very close to our hearts.
Wir machen veraltete Elektronik fit für die Zukunft und geben Ihr als Wertstoff eine zweite Chance!
Die Aufbereitung von hochwertigen Rohstoffen mindert die Umweltbelastung und ergänzt die Rohstoffreserven.
We expertly disassemble computer waste and prepare it for recycling.